Olympus Cove Utah

Here is a fun random fact, did you know that the co-founder of Ore-Ida Foods and Inventor of the Tater Tot built a home in Olympus Cove? It’s true!!!

The median age in Olympus Cove “OC” is 39 years. 66% of households have children,  and the average household net worth is $681,464.

Salt Lakes Earthquake information

Heal Haiti! With tremendous devastation brought upon Haiti in weight of the largest natural disaster to face us; we feel it is imperative to bring light on the possibility of what can happen in Utah if this were to happen to us today. It’s our goal and passion to help educate our community about earthquake awareness. Let’s get ready and devise plans  so we are ready for every stage of this disaster.

The Wasatch Fault Zone goes right through OC to the mouth of big and little cottonwood canyons and further South. Below are 5 steps to start thinking about.

1. Check for hazards at home. Secure heavy items, check for cracks in your foundation; structural defects.

2. Identify safe places inside and outside

3. Educate family and friends

4. Have disaster supplies on hand

5. Set up an emergency communication plan

For more detailed information on each of these steps please visit http://www.fema.gov/hazard/earthquake or at http://www.utahredcross.org


Keep checking back this is a new blog and soon it will be up and full of information on Olympus Cove